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CTFA Exam Questions 2017 Edition

4.8 ( 3328 ratings )
开发 Thang Van Mai


This Premium Exam Prep App will help you master the learning materials QUICKLY by many scientifically proven methods: Multiple Choice, True/False questions, Matching Game and Flash Cards ANY TIME, ANYWHERE without the Internet connection. The app content is contributed by experts, teachers, and other candidates who share the same concerns as you.

Get the FREE app now to start your preparation immediately with hundred of FREE Practice Questions and Flash Cards. In addition, five free EXAM BUILDER give you the REAL exam environment by allowing you to configure exam time, the number of questions and customized content.

When you upgrade to the full version, just ONE-TIME payment to unlock everything and forever: PRACTICE TEST, FLASH CARDS and EXAM BUILDER & SIMULATOR. Besides, you will get our LIFE-TIME support and future updates. If you dont like the app, you will have 30 days money back guaranteed. It means NO RISK!

The app content is refined and updated constantly by our experts, based on the customers feedback. As a result, you always get the latest exam content that helps you feel confident when the exam comes.
Earning the CTFA designation differentiates you from the competition and helps employers and clients identify you as a skilled, knowledgeable trust and wealth advisor. Its an industry gold standard that rewards your professional expertise.
Certified Trust and Financial Advisor is offered by American Bankers Association.
Exam Facts
200 multiple-choice questions
Maximum 4 hour timeframe allowed
Calculators or other devices not permitted
Preliminary instant pass/fail outcome provided for computer based exams at testing sites
Detailed score reports sent via email 4 weeks after the close of the exam window

Enjoy the app and pass your Certified Trust and Financial Advisor, CTFA, American Bankers Association exam effortlessly!

All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners. This application is an educational tool for self-study and exam preparation. Its not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.